Marissa Township Cemetery
Once selected file opens use your browser "search" or "find" function to locate a specific name. It can be found by clicking on the EDIT drop down menu at the top left of the window.
NOTE! The list in these files were compiled from several sources and these sources sometimes used different formats but the goal is to list the deceased's name and lot number. The cemetery is divided in to several sections as noted on the Map Page that brought to this page. The entry after the name is the lot number, for example, EA345. The letters are designating the section and the number the lot within that section. N= First and Second North. A, B, C, D obviously refer to those sections. EA=East A, EB=East B and EC=East C
Search Hint
The data listed on this site was obtained by using an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) program that may have created some typographical errors. For this we apologize and will gladly correct if notified. When searching, if the information is not located try reducing the information. For example, rather than searching for "Smith, John" try just "Smith, J" or maybe even just "Smith". Yes you will have many additional hits that aren't what you are looking for but it may offer successful results when normal methods fail.